Thursday 28 January 2010

Snob Blog

OK, so don't go expecting three blogs a day from me on a regular basis, but I am feeling kinda dizzy from the heady heights of this Blogosphere, and it's just one of those days when I am opinionated enough to be vocal, plussing as which, MD is out to play this eve and I have no one to sound off to at home.

Tesco has apparently banned customers from wearing pyjamas in its supermarkets!!! Now being a promiscuous shopper I am not a regular frequenter of this chain, preferring Waitrose and Aldi (yes the sublime to the ridiculous I know but together they tick all the boxes,) but even so I have no personal experience of actually seeing someone so inappropriately attired parading the aisles, however, the news report I heard on my way back from the Treadmill which may have been recorded in Liverpool or most probably on the Audenshaw estate of "Shameless" fame said the interviewee had no qualms at all about going out at 11am in her PJ's and slippers "not to do a main shop mind, jus t' get me ciggies, like......." boasting that she had some particularly nice pyjamas with teddy bears and ice creams on........and didn't see anything wrong in even wearing her curlers out.

This city of learning has a very laid back student based population, but I am yet to see anyone in the Grand Arcade (where they recently banned hoodies) in night time attire, not even the muesli belt "types" who drag their offspring around behind them in wheelie bins attached to the rear of their bikes.

However, another concern is the policing of such a policy, will the meeters and greeters at Tesco actually be able to tell the difference between Primark PJ's and Abercrombie & Fitch joggers; the stylists keep telling us we are all going to be wearing sloppy joggers this summer so do I foresee mass exclusion from Tesco and, if so, will Aldi and Lidl actually start to advertise that they are considered the model customer profile. And, will it still be acceptable to wear a nightie, dressing gown or baby dolls?

I am perverse enough to consider challenging this policy, but I don't actually own a pair of jim-jams, and, at the end of the day its what you call style, it's not what you wear but the way that you wear them...........

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