Tuesday 2 February 2010

i-phone i-own

OK so you regular Twitterers probably already know, but for the uninformed amongst you…da da....I now have an i-phone. I have never had an i-pod but believe there is one inside, if only I could get it open, but I have moved into the 21st century; a bit of a learning curve as I am not yet the most adept user but neither am I a complete technophobe, I am seriously wrestling with the terminology of the manual and attaching it to my laptop and home wi-fi but when it works........ WOW it’s fabulous but, leaving home it really does seem to loose the plot. I have to go for a lesson but in the meanwhile I have managed to log onto my eBay site and my Twitter account, Google earth our house, send the odd email, with increasing dexterity and even diarise some forthcoming events.

PFB talked me through the installation of my SIM card by means of the tiny paper clip shaped a tool and I assumed that it would be ready to roll. How wrong I was........I can pretty much work my way round Nokia applications with my eyes closed but OMG this is another kettle of fish altogether, PFB had assured me step by step guidance but I had not anticipated my every move would be twittered globally, along the lines of "How big is yours? Mine is a 32 gigerbugger or whatever it's called..." She was in hysterics; OK I know not the specifications nor applications but I will learn and was happy to be able to re-tweet that I had actually managed to install all my contacts in one go whereas she, little clever clogs, had had to enter them individually, I lurve the way the little icons wobble and can be moved around to suit but panicked when they shot off the page and had to be rounded up like naughty sheep that had escaped from the fold. They are now back where they belong and have some new brothers and sisters too. "Safari"????? now how was I supposed to know that is "apple-speak" for the Internet?

I so love the cheeky wink when you slide it on, the little slurp as it sucks the text out, the ping of a new message, the static click of each letter and especially that amazing pinching facility to make the pages expand and contract, so wish i could do that to my waistline.

There seems to be no end to its talents, I will never not know the way home, forget a date, not know a tune or the time and temperature in Milan, Munich and Holguin, it has capabilities I never knew existed, and think it must be a bit like having a wife, I can't wait to get home sit down and have it prepare my supper for me, clean the loo and do the ironing.........

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