Friday 19 February 2010

RIP McQueen

McQueen is dead, long live McQueen, if only…. Unfortunately a fashion maverick like that is not so easily replicated, he had a random genius and originality that we may never see again. With a nod to the past, present and future he managed to construct an exaggerated couture style which watered down very nicely to a high street staple; eventually adopted and worn by us all. He was one of a handful of great British eccentrics, the like of Vivienne Westwood, Ossie Clark, Paul Smith, all complete originals who influence the international fashions houses.

I admired his London roots and his acknowledgement that “street style” was his greatest influence, his family values and his courage to be different, I loved it when he said he was the “pink sheep of the family” but managed to overcome his weight problem in order to walk the walk……. His realisation that he was more than an employee in the rag trade and the brave step taken to go to art college to fulfil his dream. I loved the theatre of his shows, the scary malevolent undercurrents some had, projecting images that the fashion doyens sometimes would really rather not have seen, the blood, the gore and the surreal. I loved the way he really didn’t give a damn

He had the ultimate accolade of acceptance into the hierarchy of French fashion mafia and was invited to join Givenchy but in reality they should have joined the House of McQueen, his alleged behaviour was legendary and but they were lucky to have him….and he knew it.

It must be very difficult to be famous for a talent such as he had. He was not an X-factor attention seeking contestant but a grafter with a vision and a passion for fashion and the satisfaction of knowing that his creations were really quite extraordinary. The pressures must have been huge. I have been wearing my skull scarf as lame a tribute, but unfortunately I have no original Alexander McQueens hanging in my wardrobe, however, a fair few garments, shoes and accessories have definite McQueen influences.

Carrie Bradshaw married Big in order to house her Imelda Marcos sized shoe collection; My friend Lolita has restyled her 5 bedroom home at huge expense in order to accommodate her vast collection of LBD’s but even she hasn’t the room ……So, finally, I have to salute a guy who actually has a wardrobe that size; that's the ultimate carreer move and that's what I call style.

Me? I couldn’t even stand up in mine………..

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